Greater Racine Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Families  

Strengthening Families and Communities

Photo courtesy of the Johnson Foundation at Wingspread

Families and communities can be a source of support  or the cause of stress, for pregnant women and their children.  Some of the conditions that may add to the daily wear and tear on African American mothers include: 

  • Maintaining a household with little or no father involvement
  • Dealing with public systems that are disconnected and unfriendly
  • Concentrated poverty, high crime rates, poor housing, 
  • Few transportation options 
  • Lack of daily simple acts of kindness from neighbors and even strangers
Fathers contribute in many ways to the development and achievements of their children.  Fathers are a positive influence on a child’s overall well-being and a father’s involvement reduces the mental toll of single parenthood for the mother and for the children.  This affects a child’s well being and ability to succeed in school.